Oral Presentations


Presentation Time
Please keep your presentation to no more than 15 minutes (12 min presentation + 3 min Q&A). Presenters may upload their presentation(preferred) or bring it on USB stick.

Presentation Upload Instructions
To ensure that the program runs smoothly, please have your presentation uploaded at least 12 hours before your scheduled presentation time.
1. Save your presentation with the following filename convention: [last name]_[ first name]_[ session number].ppt. For example, Smith_John_Session_4.2
2. Upload your presentation to the AMOS 2025 Dropbox folder.
3. Select ‘Add files’, locate the saved file on your computer and press ‘Upload’, to complete the upload process.
4. You will not be able to obtain further access to edit or remove your presentation. If you need to upload a new version, please use previous name and add v2, v3 etc. For example Smith_John_Session_4.2_v2

Compact talk


Presentation Time
Please keep your presentation to no more than 7 minutes total. Presenters may upload their presentation(preferred) or bring it on USB stick.

Optional Poster is available with compact talk. See poster guidelines below if you wish to provide a poster.

Presentation Upload Instructions
To ensure that the program runs smoothly, please have your presentation uploaded at least 12 hours before your scheduled presentation time.
1. Save your presentation with the following filename convention: [last name]_[ first name]_[ session number].ppt. For example, Smith_John_Session_4.2
2. Upload your presentation to the AMOS 2025 Dropbox folder.
3. Select ‘Add files’, locate the saved file on your computer and press ‘Upload’, to complete the upload process.
4. You will not be able to obtain further access to edit or remove your presentation. If you need to upload a new version, please use previous name and add v2, v3 etc. For example Smith_John_Session_4.2_v2

Lightning Lectures

Lightning lectures act as a short introduction or summary of your research and are accompanied by a poster within one of the poster sessions. See poster guidelines below.

Presentation Time
Please keep your lightning lecture to no more than 5 minutes. It should consist of a maximum of 3 PowerPoint slides.

Presentation Upload Instructions
To ensure that the program runs smoothly, please have your presentation uploaded at least 12 hours before your scheduled presentation time.
1. Save your lightning lecture with the following filename convention: LL_ [last name]_[ first name]_[ session number]. For example, LL_Smith_John_Session_4.2
2. Upload your presentation to the AMOS 2025 Dropbox folder.
3. Select ‘Add files’, locate the saved file on your computer and press ‘Upload’, to complete the upload process.
4. You will not be able to obtain further access to edit or remove your presentation. If you need to upload a new version, please use previous name and add v2, v3 etc. For example LL_Smith_John_Session_4.2_v2.ppt

Poster Presentations 

Presenters will be assigned a poster number that corresponds to a poster board and, on the first morning of their poster session, will display their poster on that board. Details on the timing of poster sessions will be posted here as soon as it has been confirmed.

Poster Format
Posters should be in PORTRAIT format and no larger than A0 size (841mm x 1189mm). The poster message should be clear and understandable without oral explanation. Your poster should include the title, authors’ names and the organisation(s) where the work was completed. Text throughout the poster should be kept brief and descriptions of methods should be clear and concise.

Posters can be affixed to the poster boards with velcro. Velcro dots will be available from the AMOS reception desk.